The last thing I heard from Reta was that there was no new news. Not very encourageing, but I can't get sucked in. I do that. I get sucked into the vortex of losing hope and I spin into a full on fit. I have to remain focused on the important things. Like my relationship with God and my husband. I have to stay close to my husband. He and I only have each other. Kids or not (kids grow up and leave). Theres nothing I can do to hurry things up.
Boy do I KNOW what you are talking about here!!!!! CLING TO CHRIST!!!! Truly, I could get myself so wrapped up in the waiting and not knowing that I was making myself NO FUN to be around! MY POOR HUSBAND!!! Anyway, I know exactly how you feel about waiting. No fun.
Mrs. U
Dear Mrs. U
I knew about China's rule changes. We've never really considered international adoption, but they talked to us about it at our foster training class. My husband won't fly so thats that. Anyway, I'll for sure be praying for you. Waiting stinks- theres no doubt about it. Especially when you feel like your not getting any younger.
Hang in there...I know the wait is tough. My Mom and Dad found it very hard waiting for my sister. My name is Kennedy and I am adopted from CHina. I am 13 and was adopted when I was 6 months old.
Your little baby will be home soon.
Keep smiling,
Thanks for your comment Kennedy. Its interesting to hear from an adoptee.
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