Friday, March 20, 2009


We got an update today. We are #6 on the list and theres a new potential birthmom. She's 18 and she's due June 10th. She hasn't picked a couple yet.


Anonymous said...

So does being #6 on the list still mean this birth mom could choose you guys?

Bethanie said...

Yes. The only reason for the # on the list is for birthmom who don't want to choose their couple. Usually this applies only to birthmom's who contact the agency from the hospital having already delivered. Since she doesn't wish to choose then the social worker contacts the #1 couple on the list and goes from there. Because this new birthmom I'm talking about came in several months before delivery she will probably be choosing her couple, which means she will see our picture and letter along with all the other couple's in "the book". I don't know if there is an actual book or if its a metaphore. All the couples have their letters and pictures in "the book".

Mary said...

So have you heard anything new on this horizon? I know it's been a month since you posted probably won't know till closer to June? So exciting! At the very least it will bump you guys up a number!

Bethanie said...

No we didn't hear anything. I think we probably would have already if it concerned us.


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